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Janet Macunovich

Allium-like Nectaroscordum

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Received this photo with a please identify" note today, and sent back to that gardener that I'm pretty sure it's Nectaroscordum siculum bulgaricum, which doesn't have a good common name (when it was formerly classed as an Allium it could go by Sicilian honey garlic...)

(Our friends Brent and Becky sell it: https://brentandbeckysbulbs.com/Nectaroscordum-siculum-ssp-Bulgaricum/Liliaceae/Nectaroscordum/siculum-ssp-Bulgaricum)





My question to anyone here is: how do you use this plant? We like it, and it is beautiful in close contemplation, but even though it's tall (3', sometimes more) the flower is not big/dense and can be so easily lost in the background. So what do you grow it with to give it a good setting, to show it off best?


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