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Nancy T

Planting on top of removed stump

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In early Dec 2013 we lost a 40 ft tall Colorado Blue Spruce.  It was taken down and stump ground. I would like to plant a whipcord arborvitae in this spot.   If I build up the soil about 6 inches and then don't plant directly on top of the old stump, but rather a couple feet next to it, will this work ok?  Or should I wait a few years for roots of former tree to deteriorate before I plant


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Why build up the soil? I would go ahead and plant the new plant away from the stump. You may have to cut some roots from the spruce but there shouldn't be a problem as long as the plant is watered.

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Ok Steven and Thank You.  I was just thinking of adding some soil because there is still a lot of tree mulch mixed in to the soil from when they ground down the stump.  But maybe I can save myself some money and like you said just remove some of the tree roots.

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