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boxwood dieback!

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The boxwoods all over my yard have varying degrees of dieback "(see photo).  Do I need to sit & cut each branch back to where I find green (on ALL 25 bushes?)?  What about the huge holes this will leave in some of them?



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I am seeing this kind of damage everywhere in the MSU gardens, always south facing for the most part. The harsh winter was very tough on evergreens. I even lost a whole south facing hill of english ivy. My approach will be to let it grow out as much as possible. Eventually the yellow leaves will fall off or a gentle wipe of the hand breaks them off. I am raking out the ivy to remove the dead. Hopefully new growth will emerge soon. Boxwood are always susceptible, and often need some winter protection from south sun or north winds.

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Shoot. Now I'm on the road and don't have access to a computer. I'm not sure how to post the picture from the camera roll of my iPhone. I'm pretty sure those buds are dead.

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Don't worry you don't need another picture. Even if the buds are alive, those leaves are going to take a long time to fall off because they died in place.  (It's a living process to shed a leaf) So the inside of that shrub is going to be terribly shaded by the dead leaves on the outside and those inner buds that were depending on the light to sprout are not going to.  So cut out some branches a foot and eighteen inches into that shrub.  Leave the sturdiest, yes there will be holes but it will fill in.  Look how much we cut out of this one, we have no concerns about it growing back and thriving.


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