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Janet Macunovich

Steven, Janet and GardenAtoZ.com are NOT gone

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Just so you know. We've had a series of set backs this summer, not the least of which was a flood that created a 2 foot river with our house in its middle. We could not publish and did not even have time to notify the mailing list. So very sorry.


Now we've just gotten back to snuff and last night finished writing and illustrating What's Up #203... only to have GardenAtoZ.org lock up and blink off when we went to post the articles. All you'll get there is an "unavailable" error code.


It's kind of Murphy's Law in action and we have to laugh because we refuse to cry.


Programmers are looking now at why this happened. We're waiting to hear why and what we must do. Meanwhile we've formatted #203 as a pdf and you can download it here -- click WhatsUp203, below.


Again, so sorry to have been out of touch so long. But we ARE back!


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Welcome back!  Trials and tribulations!  Good Grief.  Glad to see you in my email.  I'll be forever grateful for your walking me through how to get rid of the bindweed in my large garden area 2 years ago when we moved here.  It's now full of perennials.  Thanks again, Bev.

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Our river's dry but our eyes are teary from so many kind thoughts coming our way. Thank you!

Wow, Bev, you managed to beat the bindweed? In two years?! You've beaten our record. (In one client's yard, a neighbor who was keeping the bindweed in check on his side of the fence is no longer there and we're back in the thick of a battle we had reduced to once every 3 or 4 weeks, almost like regular weeding.)

The GardenAtoZ.org site is now back up. So we'll go post what we pdf'd and start in on the next issue.

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