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Digging in the Dirt

When should I plant Canna

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A friend of mine gave me some Canna over the weekend.  He told me to plant the pieces 3 to 4 inches deep in a sunny location, and that it would take anywhere from 10 to 14 days for the Canna to emerge from the ground.  He lives 200 miles north of the metro detroit area so he usually has to plant his close to Memorial day because he has a greater chance of frost than us.


If I was to plant the Canna and we receive a frost before the Canna emerges from the ground, do I risk stunting or possibly killing the plant?  


I'm not trying to rush the plants, but I would hate to wait an extra 2 or 3 weeks to plant the Canna if it is safe to do so before a last possible frost. 


Thanks for your thoughts.








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We wait for the soil temperature to be around 60 degrees before planting Cannas. Look for the warm season weeds like purslane and crabgrass to germinate then you'll know the soil temp is ok for planting. You could stagger planting them, do some now and some later. Yes a frost can and probably will hurt the plant but you can cover them with some type of protection like we wrote about this week: https://gardenatoz.org/whats-up/main-features-of-the-season/frost-protection/

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