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Steven Nikkila

Puzzler - no birds at feeder

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It was a bright, sunny, winter day and no birds where at this usually busy feeder.


Do you see why?









Do you see now?



It was either a Sharp-shinned or Cooper's hawk keeping them down. Perhaps a better bird expert than I can tell us which one it is.

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I too have either a Coopers or Sharp-Shinned Hawk stalking my feeder and am regularly finding piles of feathers out in our woods. It is really tricky to tell them apart. I think mine is a Coopers (see below). Here is an article from Cornell that might be helpful in discerning which one you have;






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I chased this one out of the yard this week.  I could tell he was on the hunt I couldn't let it happen again.  Yep, that's right.  He got one a couple of weeks ago and the gruesomeness of the leftovers was not a sight for this man's eyes.  I know, I know.  The circle of life and all that, but that doesn't make it any less gross.


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