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Sal's slips

Moving false indigo

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I was given a few small false indigo plants a few years back.  The person who gave them to me said they would only grow about knee high.  So I planted then towards the front part of a garden space.  Last summer they were at least 4-5 feet tall.  Is it possilbe to move these?  I understand that they have a few long root system.  I love the look of them but they have taken over the area and are starting to block the garden path.  Help!

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I have moved Baptisia Australis and divided it. It has a long, snaky root system coming from a crown. These long roots are easily broken, but, if they do, snip them off with a clean cut. They kind of resent the change but mine have recovered after a couple of years. Yes they do grow 3-5 feet - they must like the spot you've put them in. Beautiful blue flowers in June! One of my favorites.

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We love false indigo (More New Perennials; Easiest Best Perennials ) but it sure does take up room.


I wonder if the person who gave them to you was growing them in shade and/or compacted soil, and that dwarfed them.

Or: There is a dwarf form of false indigo, supposed to stay 2' tall: Baptisia australis var. minor. Maybe your friend has the dwarf, you got seedlings of that plant, and we might gather that the dwarf doesn't come true from seed.


Either way, it would be great to know. So in case you happen to ask your friend and can post it here, thanks!


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