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Margaret Thele

Perennial planting season draws to a close

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It is with a bit of wistfulness that I see the 2012 perennial season to a close. This was my first year operating Sage Advice Nursery and I am busy potting up the 800 or so leftover plants!for the 2013 season. Have made a lot of new friends at the farmers markets and I encourage you to visit your local farm market and get to know the great growers there. All kinds of characters there - from the straight laced conservative to the die-hard hippie liberals.


Will be picking up the indoor season with bulbs, houseplants and dried flower crafts at the Oakland County Flea Market and, hopefully the Old Winery Farmer's Market in Farmington if they have any vendor space for me. I hope to see some of you this indoor plant season...old gardeners don't wilt, they just go indoors for the winter!

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