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Janet Macunovich

Bloom or bust on climbing hydrangea this year?

2012 a climbing hydrangea dud year?  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. This year my climbing hydrangea bloomed:

    • Fabulously
    • About normally
    • Had no or few flowers

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I've been writing about this after checking around a bit, and now looking to see how it plays here, the notion that there was something about the past winter's weather that ruined Hydrangea anomala's bloom.


So let's see how this poll thing works...

Hmm. THOUGHT I just wrote a poll question. Grr. Well, if after I press "post" if there's no official click-the-buttons poll here maybe you-all can just let me know: Did your climbing hydrangeas sizzle in a great show or fizzle with few or no flowers this year?

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I've had the climbing hydrangea FOR YEARS and not one year has it had more than 3 flowers. I even remember an article that said if your flower isn't doing what you want, move it. So we moved it. I got one flower last year and 2 this year. And I even fertilized it last year hoping for better. I did get better. ONE. It grows well. Just doesn't flower. So very disappointing.

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Mine is six years old and is actually smaller than when I planted it - less than a foot tall. I suspect the black vine weevils are hard at work from below. Last year and so far this year it is finally showing measurable growth. Perhaps one of the only serious pesticide applications I've ever done - a soil drench of Sevin around it - was actually done at the right time.

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Black vine weevils do love climbing hydrangea, and can really set it back.

Let's see, where did we write about Gail Morrell's epic battle with vine weevil on a climbingn hydrangea...? When I find it in our logs I'll get it posted on the site somewhere. Meanwhile, I'm letting Gail know the topic's come up again. (Not to even suggest that she should re-do it! Being able to keep writing NEW things, and build on the old is, after all, Steven's and my primary reason for creating www.GardenAtoZ.org, as what is becoming our one-spot library.)

Re getting more bloom - does yours have a bunch of ground-level growth, the vine acting like a groundcover? We are pretty sure that kind of growth "tells" the rest of the plant "no bloom needed." At least, when we've cut such branches off and kept them off, we eventually got decent bloom.

Does yours have sprawler branches, bitsy08?

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