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Janet Macunovich


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(Hi gang.

This question came in and I hope I can ask those who are here to take a look at it. I'm a little frazzled today...

Things have been on the crazy side here since we switched to a higher gear in transitioning to the website-interactive newsletter -- because, Gack! it's almost spring!!! -- and our frst grandchild was born last week.... So I haven't been keeping up my end of copying the still-coming-by-email questions over to the Forum!


Anyway, I figure there's no time like this minute to start catching up! I'll get back here later to give this some thought but meanwhile I bet you-all can figure it. I've emailed the person who sent it to say it'll be here on the Forum...)


(Geesh, I hope that makes sense!)




A question that I have asked and I do not know the answer.

I have a bittersweet vine growing on my south facing chain link fence but there is a solid wooden fence which is my neighbor's that is about 6 inches away and it has bloomed every year since I moved here in 1997.


Can I save the seed from the male plant and the seeds from the female plant separately and then grow them or must I do a hard wood cuttings from each. I seemed to not be able to find the answer on the internet. Thanks L.W.

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