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Welcome Garden A to Z, Janet and Steve!!!

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I just wanted to post a warm welcome and heartfelt, "At Last!". Since I expect this to be one of my favorite subject categories, I decided to put it here.

Welcome, A to Z, and Thank You, Janet and Steve!

Looking forward to learning, sharing, meeting old friends, and making new ones too.

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We are SO GLAD to be back! So glad, in fact, that for this one day I will even use the emoticons and other stuff I never think to use otherwise.

Wait. All I have is a SMILEY? Steven, how come I don't have a whole little crayon box full of emoticons. I thought that was on YOUR part of the ready-to-launch checklist.


(Hmm. Better not go there. Steven might grab the list and start making me leave here and go clean up all the Pardon Our Dust pages I left in my wake.)


(OH! You just click on the ONE smiley up on the top bar and the the whole crayon box opens down below!. Thank you kiddo I never shoulda doubted you!) :) ;) :P :D :lol: B) :rolleyes: :wub:


Many thanks to all the people, so many people, who helped put this Forum back on-line. People who donated money, who came over to our house and helped input, to publishers who let us let deadlines slide while we worked here, to neighbors who walked our much neglected dogs while we sat house after hour in front of the computers, and to the incredible web designer and programmer Chris Evans who is a remarkable trainer as well as a technically marvelous guy.

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I am stunned! While I have to admit I expected fantastic photos and flawless content, I still didn't expect to be able to use it. I am as far out in the sticks as I can get, so I thought I'd time-out, lose out and fail to load. BUT This web site works on my slow computer with a strangled land line that strings out so far to get to town it gets the hiccups every time it rains. What a gift! Thank you so much for all you do!

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I too am glad to have a place to air opinions, learn techniques and tips from others and to just stay in touch with far-flung gardening buddies. My gardening skills have suffered as has my garden in the past few years but I hope to be re inspired to at least get a couple of tomatoes in pots in the coming year! And who knows, I might yet take a machete to the backyard and create the oasis that I think should be there... :P

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[i posted this elsewhere, but this is a much better place and I can't figure out how to delete the original.  Hopefully its location is so inappropriate no one will see the other.]


This is an old thread; but then, I am an old gardener - and an old member.  I want to express my thanks and kudos to Janet, and especially to Steve, for their clever behind-the-scenes cyber-manipulations getting me back into my account.  They accomplished this feat in spite of:


- A forgotten password (I never forget passwords and I have a password keeper!  I must have known (or thought I knew) this one so thoroughly that I never wrote it down!)


- And a new email address! (So I couldn't use the "I forgot my password." feature.)  THAT is amazing!


As a result, I didn't have to re-register as "Corky2.0"!


Thank you Steve and Janet for service to members above and beyond the call of duty!  I am looking forward to catching up with old friends and gardening "by proxy" as we now live in a condo in Big Sky and Montana presents serious wildlife as well as climate challenges.  :wub:

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