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pam palechek

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About pam palechek

  • Rank
    Breaking Bud
  1. You first need to ask yourself what needs to occur in the yard and who is using the yard. If you have small children is there planned play area? Is there a pet? Will you need access to the shed? I would like to hide the shed but this will be difficult if you need large access. Softening the fence with shrubs is an obvious option. A flower bed (flowers or low shrubs) around the patio add flare to the area. An example like low boxwood would give it a formal look. A crescent or outlining of the hardscape with a bed of annuals could give you constant color. Break that bed with stepping stones, leads your eye to a new possible focal point area. An s shaped line of shrubs, starting at the tool shed access, heading towards the fence and curving back toward the house would give you a backdrop for this focal point. This would be a good place for a shade tree and bench. Hope this helps.
  2. We collect our leaves in the fall and shred them, bag them and save them for just such an occasion. I put a 2" top dressing in the fall, by spring I am usually amazed by how much has vanished. In spring I clean up, fertilize and add 2" of shredded leaves. It really improves my soil, and slows down the weeds. We normally remove a lot of nutrients from the garden when we cut flowers, trim back growth, harvest or "cleanup" the garden. I will add much back with the return of shredded leaves, nutrients but not weight.
  3. Some one at the library wanted to know if it was time to trim roses. Now is the time to get out and trim the roses. If it is a new shrub go gentle. If it has been a few years, go at it. Look for signs of life like green twigs and reddish buds. Cut off all dead or diseased wood. Try to maintain a V open shape. Cut out crossing branches that will rub. There are some good pictures at this site Pruning Roses
  4. So many of us are worried about our Chamaecyparis. Mine has so much damage from sun/wind burn. I think we all need to have a bit of patience. Wait and see if it buds out. Then decide how much to cut back. Good luck.
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