Could it be Cytospora canker fungus?. I just lost 5 Colorado Blue Spruce do to same situation in your photo. In doing research including speaking to an arborist: Colorado Blue Spruce are not native to Michigan and believe it or not our summers sometimes get too warm for them so this fungus can flourish especially when heat dries them out. It spreads through the air and with the rain so not much we can do about it. The die-back starts from the bottom and goes up. There is no spray for this. It weakened my trees so bad that with that past November wind storm around Thanksgiving, several were uprooted. Now my once total shade garden, is now full sun! I had to take 5 of them down, and 3 more which line my driveway, are on their way out. They were around 45 yrs old, so age too figures into the weakened state so the fungus can more readily take over. So sad. I miss my mighty giants.