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About greenlady0

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    Breaking Bud
  1. A product called sedge sledge may be of some help follow instructions on packet for best results I believe it requires an aapplication every 2 weks for a time. Quak grass or nutsedge usually shows up in June another true sign of what you are dealing with. If the gound is soft you may be able to pull a piece by hand or trowel for further confirmation. The nutsedge/quak grass will have a small white bulb at the root area. This is what makes it so difficult to eradicate but persistence and should do it. Worked for me,except it can reappear if neighbors are not vigilant as well. Good Luck
  2. gaura can be tempermental in our climate it is prone to heaving and long soppy springs are a death sentence to this dry heat loving plant.The usual annuals such as snapdragons,inpatiens, ageratum,flowering kale/cabbage,alyssum as well as violas and pansys have been known to reseed and return especially if the same annual border has been planted for many years there have been times when a new planting was not necessary but still not dependable enough to call these lovely summer annuals to zones 7and beow perennial.
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