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About mharlan

  • Rank
    Breaking Bud

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Rochester Hills
  1. Thank you! I've been battling bitter cress for a couple of years now only to see it get worse. Now I know what to do and have the time to do it.
  2. I have a similar question regarding what I think might be sod webworms. I've searched the internet for pictures but haven't come up with any matches. If they aren't sod webworms then I don't know if they are good guys or bad guys. With the volume I've found, I assume they aren't good.
  3. mharlan


    Is there a way to collect seeds or do they spread from below the surface?
  4. mharlan


    Several years ago, I purchased some trillium. They have multiplied and I would like to spread them around my yard. What is the best way to accomplish this?
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