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Steven Nikkila

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Everything posted by Steven Nikkila

  1. I replied to Corky's photo uploading problem in the Using the Forum folder.
  2. We've had questions about how to post a photo. Here's a quick how to. 1 - Optional, but recommended for faster loading: Reduce the image size using a photo editing program such as Photoshop, Paint, I-Photo, etc. It's very clear on screen if you make it 10" wide or tall and set the pixels to 72 per inch. Save images in .jpg format for best results. 2 - When posting a photo you click on the Attach Files. 3 - If replying to a topic you need to select the "More Reply Options" button. 4 - Your screen should then look like this (it's just how the "Post New Topic" screen looks): 5 - Once you click on attach files, select your photo. then click on "Open" to upload. 6 - Once the photo is uploaded, place your cursor where you want the photo to be in the post and select "Add to Post". 7 - The photo should then be posted into the text of the post. I found out you don't use the photo icon on the toolbar, it can't see your computer's photos. Hope this helps. About sideways and upside down photo: Use a photo editor (Photoshop, etc.) to rotate your photos before you attach them. In our Forum program we don't have any tools for rotating. Steven
  3. Here's a question from an email: Am I the only one who finds the forum not scrolling properly? When I try to advance the screen, it looks like its loading a new page. Is there a trick to getting it to scroll smoothly? Has anyone else experienced this or something similar? On my computer with out internet hook up I get a slight delay on the posts with photos. Steven
  4. In What's Coming Up #170 Janet asked me for a photo of our garage to show that it is messy but not to the actual degree of messiness it really is. Well here's my attempt to show it. Did it work?
  5. M.S., Janet has a Nikon Coolpix that she's used for almost 5 years now. We really like the results she's been able to get with it, but it took her almost two years to figure out how to use the macro/close-up settings. I would go to a "Camera" store and ask the sales person to show you the cameras in your price range that fulfills your photgraphic needs. There are just too many cameras to know and the camera store sales person only has to know about them, not washers, computers and tv's too. When they show you the cameras hold them, pretend to use them, try to do a close focus on something in the store, then choose the one you like the best. A question for other vistors to this forum: What equipment do you use for flower close-ups?
  6. I'm looking for others' input. I'll be back.
  7. A question from our email (we'll be answering these here, now!): I have a questions for Steven. I would like to take close-up pictures of flowers. Right now I have a small Coolpix digital camera and I know I need a bigger one to take better pictures but I don't know what to buy. I don't want to spend a whole lot of money. Can I get a fairly good camera for 2-$300? If so, what do you suggest? Sincerely, M.S. LIFE IS TOUGH IT'S TOUGHER IF YOU'RE STUPID John Wayne
  8. A question from our email (we'll be answering these here, now!): I have had both male and female bushes together for a number of years. I even added different male cultivars. I have watched them carefully every spring and what I have observed is that the two types do not flower at the same time. They have never fruited because of this. Is it a nuritional or culturall issue. They are planted in clay and I water them. However its is not the moist loose soil they prefer in nature. Thanks, MK Grand Rapids
  9. Where I live in SE Michigan we've had no snow so far this year. For some of us this is pleasant, for others, those of us who like having a winter with snow it is horrible! Here's a couple of photos to remind us of what we might be missing.
  10. Hello friends old and new. Welcome to our Forum at gardenatoz.org. I hope you enjoy, learn and contribute to this Forum. Let us know what you think. Thanks, Steve
  11. Hello friends old and new. Welcome to our Forum at gardenatoz.org. I hope you enjoy, learn and contribute to this Forum. Let us know what you think. Thanks, Steve
  12. Hello friends old and new. Welcome to our Forum at gardenatoz.org. I hope you enjoy, learn and contribute to this Forum. Let us know what you think. Thanks, Steve
  13. Hello friends old and new. Welcome to our Forum at gardenatoz.org. I hope you enjoy, learn and contribute to this Forum. Let us know what you think. Thanks, Steve
  14. Hello friends old and new. Welcome to our Forum at gardenatoz.org. I hope you enjoy, learn and contribute to this Forum. Let us know what you think. Thanks, Steve
  15. Hello friends old and new. Welcome to our Forum at gardenatoz.org. I hope you enjoy, learn and contribute to this Forum. Let us know what you think. Thanks, Steve
  16. Hello friends old and new. Welcome to our Forum at gardenatoz.org. I hope you enjoy, learn and contribute to this Forum. Let us know what you think. Thanks, Steve
  17. Hello friends old and new. Welcome to our Forum at gardenatoz.org. I hope you enjoy, learn and contribute to this Forum. Let us know what you think. Thanks, Steve
  18. Hello friends old and new. Welcome to our Forum at gardenatoz.org. I hope you enjoy, learn and contribute to this Forum. Let us know what you think. Thanks, Steve
  19. Hello friends old and new. Welcome to our Forum at gardenatoz.org. I hope you enjoy, learn and contribute to this Forum. Let us know what you think. Thanks, Steve
  20. Hello friends old and new. Welcome to our Forum at gardenatoz.org. I hope you enjoy, learn and contribute to this Forum. Let us know what you think. Thanks, Steve
  21. Hello friends old and new. Welcome to our Forum at gardenatoz.org. I hope you enjoy, learn and contribute to this Forum. Let us know what you think. Thanks, Steve
  22. Hello friends old and new. Welcome to our Forum at gardenatoz.org. I hope you enjoy, learn and contribute to this Forum. Let us know what you think. Thanks, Steve
  23. Hello friends old and new. Welcome to our Forum at gardenatoz.org. I hope you enjoy, learn and contribute to this Forum. Let us know what you think. Thanks, Steve
  24. Hello friends old and new. Welcome to our Forum at gardenatoz.org. I hope you enjoy, learn and contribute to this Forum. Let us know what you think. Thanks, Steve
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