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gardenlady250 last won the day on March 6 2013

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1 Neutral

About gardenlady250

  • Rank
    Breaking Bud
  • Birthday 08/24/1954

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Waterford, MI
  • Interests
    Red Wings, gardening and reading
  1. Thanks a bunch. I thought it looked something like a sweet pea.
  2. Could someone tell me what this flower is? 3 1/2 ft tall and has grown wide.
  3. I have myrtle and English Ivy on the back (east) and side/north side of my house and both do very well but the myrtle does NOT bloom on the north side of the house. They are not fragrant but they do grow abundantly.
  4. What is the growing season for kale? Does it take a while to mature? Can you get multiple cuttings if you sow the seeds in April?
  5. I have used mothballs to move one out of my yard years ago-but those are considered hazardous material now I believe because of the fumes when these dissolve. I have used bars of bath soap (slivers I have saved) and tied them in cloth or mesh bags hanging them from my fence to keep other critters out of my garden.
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