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About drupnorth

  • Rank
    Taken Root
  • Birthday 04/23/1949

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    northern Michigan
  • Interests
    MI.master gardener since 2002, growing roses, volunteering, 2 garden clubs, golf
  1. Hi Steve and Janet. are those pictures in Waterford NOW? Up north we have snow again after several days of spring like weather and crocuses were coming up. I really miss your talks and presentations in the Oakland county area. Maybe I'll get to see you one day again up in the Traverse City area. Take care and stay well Diane
  2. hate black spot ! my roses improve by giving them more air circulation and no water on the leaves unless mother nature does.
  3. only have one big rugosa but have never pruned it-guess i'll make a note to do that in the spring. thanks for the advice.
  4. drupnorth


    When I moved I dug up a big area of trilliums divided it into many and planted them in my new garden-no problems at all.
  5. drupnorth

    Perfect plant!

    Bush clover is common name or Lespedeza-I have the purple variety. There are no downsides to this shrub. Deer don't like it, grows in any soil, any sun or shade and no special water requirements. Planted mine a couple of months ago as a gal size and it is huge now. I live in northern michigan. I LOVE THIS PLANT!
  6. drupnorth

    Perfect plant!

    Bush clover is common name or Lespedeza-I have the purple variety. There are no downsides to this shrub. Deer don't like it, grows in any soil, any sun or shade and no special water requirements. Planted mine a couple of months ago as a gal size and it is huge now. I live in northern michigan. I LOVE THIS PLANT!
  7. Looks like my soil up north. I know I'm SUPPOSED to have sand like my neighbors but I have clay courtesy of Mother Nature. I have learned to deal with it over the last few years- Trial and error, trial and error.
  8. I like this plant as it is a little different.
  9. Meijer's is selling beautiful azalea braided trees now. In northern Michigan can I bring it outdoors during the warmer weather and will it bloom again once I bring it indoors?
  10. This will be held on a cruise ship through Alaska. Think about treating yourself-I am.
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