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Everything posted by cypress83

  1. Yes, it is an unheated garage, and thank you for your answer. I usually don't play computer games, but I tried the Plant vs. Zombies game that you have provided a link to, and I found it challenging and fun!
  2. I dug up 3 Korean Azaleas, ( Rhododendron yedoense 'Compacta" ) , on Feb. 20, and had to put them in large boxes. They will be stored in an attached garage, until sometime in late March or early April. I added soil and bark mulch to cover the 14" to 17" diameter root balls. I am going to wrap the outside of the boxes for added insulation. This upheaval had to occur because of a house addition that is going to be built in the next 6 weeks. My question is, when the time comes to plant the azaleas back outside in the ground, do they have to be acclimated first or will they be able to be planted directly from the garage to the ground ?
  3. We rooted Popcorn Plant ( Cassia didymobotrya) cuttings in mid- February, using a rooting hormone, Hormex powder, last year in our retail greenhouse. The majority of them rooted successfully, and even flowered, while in 4.5 " pots, throughout the summer in the greenhouse. They were stem tip cuttings, propagated in Baccto soil, and kept moist while rooting. Bottom heat was used underneath the propagating table. The air temperature was around 60 F during the day, and 50 F at night, while they were rooting. The leaves would droop during the season when the soil was too dry, which happened many times when greenhouse temperatures would range from 90 F to 100 F.
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